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Preparing of Uncertain Times

October 26, 2023

I am almost halfway through my first full semester as a health sciences librarian and I have really enjoyed it. This semester has also been the start of Academic Transformation at my university. This is the term used to describe cuts to programs, faculty, and academic support units (such as the library) to realign the university mission and close the gap in a $45 million dollar deficit. The library is restructuring as part of this plan and with the uncertainty around the future, I have started to think about how I can prep for next semester. I have decided to focus on six areas that will (hopefully) ease some of the unknown. 

Saying “No”: Easier said than done

I rarely say no to things; I love jumping in and doing everything I can but I also know that it’s not always the best thing for me. So first thing first, I’m (attempting to) adding “no” to my vocabulary when I feel I am at or reaching my capacity. What can “no” look like? Committees, last minute one-shots or faculty assistance, being selective with long term projects. I have many ideas and goals for the future but being selective is important.

LibGuides: Edit and forget it (for the semester)

I like to customize certain aspects of my LibGuides but I also have adapted the “one guide to rule them all” methodology a colleague shared with me. I created a master guide that includes basic information about the library, research, etc. and then plugged it in to each guide before adding any customizations. I love adding more visual and interactive elements to them and I am in the process of wrapping a few of those up. I have spent the last few weeks making other changes as well and plan to not make any additional changes until next summer. Of course, anything glaring or requests from faculty to add or adjust areas will be accommodated but I do not need to spend more time for diminishing returns. 

Planning Ahead: Prepping emails and schedule blocks

Now that my semester has slowed down, I am drafting spring emails for departments to remind them of updated materials, library changes, and that I am available to come to their classes next semester. If they schedule with me now, I can get those slides ready sooner. I want to also block my calendar out now, so when I have a busy week, I can still get my must-do’s done on time.

Workshops: Instruction never stops

I asked myself earlier in the year how I could contribute to our library workshops. And I landed on taking over Tableau for beginners from a colleague who no longer does instruction as part of her job. I do not know Tableau currently but will learn the software over  the next few months. 

Professional Development: Where there’s a webinar, there’s a way

There’s aspects of health sciences librarianship that are new to me. One of those areas is systematic review searches and evidence synthesis work. I have not done expert searching before but I am focused on developing these skills. In addition to this work I am looking for free to low cost webinars, conferences, and organizations to get involved with. The reality for most is that conferences are expensive and having alternatives allow for the ability to continue to grow professionally without the high cost barrier. Additionally I will need to accept that I have to get outside my comfort zone and present something if I want to attend a larger conference.

Goals: Are flexible

When I started my job I wrote down goals for the year. I also write goals for each month. As I settled into my position, I have evolved, as well as my goals. This is the notebook I turn to when I’ve had a bad day and see everything I’ve accomplished and how I can adapt and move forward. And most of the time it’s not about moving forward, it’s about appreciating I can do things. I can be hard on myself and having a visual record of accomplishments helps me get over moments of imposter syndrome and give me a boost of self confidence. 

In the next few weeks I will find out what next semester will look like from a library standpoint. Everyday brings a new perspective and a new wave of emotions. I enjoy my job and had a really good semester; however it’s also been painful and at times full of anger. The prep I’m doing now gives me peace of mind and is something my future self will hopefully thank me for. I continue to look for more ways to streamline my process and hope that this list will be of use to you. Libraries are a space for collaboration and I look forward to seeing what others do to help them do more with less. What are ways that you like to prep? Feel free to drop suggestions in the comments.

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